The ACLU & SOROS. Is George a NAZI or a WCNS?

The feature video is now removed from YouTube but you can still watch it HERE

George Soros, is, it seems to me, a Zio-Marxist AshkeNAZI agent. He's contaminating and hijacking the True(r) Liberal Left, primarily in order to undermine Industrial Rights & Labor in the Chain of Supply and replace it with the Neoliberal or New pseudo (((Left))) replete with Marxist Lumpen Proletariat thereby forcing the traditional or "Thinking" Left to re-evaluate their allegiances.

This has the result of discrediting, marginalizing and disenfranchising True(r) Liberals including their hard won Human, Civil & Industrial Rights while corralling many, especially younger generations, not into the Schofield Bible Christian-Zionist (((Right))) so much as the (((Alt Right))) his Anti-Fa and #MeToo and similar movements, are set up, to, oppose. My guess is his strategy is to implode The New (so-called) Left so an AskeNAZI Jew or Shabbos Goy rises to fill the vacuum nature abhors.

He's a Chess Master at Controlled Oppositions. My suggestion to him, in the event he does actually want to make a worthwhile contribution to this world (is), rather than having been not much more than a divisive operative for the soulless Corporate entity that is #TheSophisticatedParasite is to be the authentic World Citizen National Socialist he always, at the least if afforded the benefit of the doubt, "HUmanly", intended to be. Certainly a better Legacy than having been a traitorous NAZI for, The Orwellian Communist NWO.

By choosing to give all that possesses him to my Garden Club, George might at the least help to serve make the aforementioned NWO less Orwellian while not only mitigating harm to all sides of unnecessary conflicts but also facilitating the rise of the essential ingredient required to successfully accomplish the real agenda which, is, I suspect, to manifest Prometheus' error as a legacy (listen to below podcast).

Podcast Description: @ approx 00:45 Tommy intended to say ... Paulo Post Futurum. Owing to wind blow and not being a prepared script but an informal Walk & Talk around a complex subject, this recording is just awful to listen to, so, it won't be too surprising if too few listeners do themselves the justice of listening attentively to the end. In an effort to help clarify and bring sensible resolution ~ a successful outcome ~ to this crazy-mixed-up world, Tommy interpolates and lends some context to teachings by Samurai master Haku Zynkyoku

Tommy closes by respectfully suggesting rather than disclosing his King's Swords current position on the (human fallibility) matter of the (proverbial) Yamata-no-Orochi.
