Israel The Person Vs. Israel The Place & Jacob's Trouble
Watch this broadcast by Dr. James P. Wickstrom and then read my comment as follows.
These fighting age male immigrants are clearly front line Bolshevik cannon fodder for subjugation of the Ancestrally Native White Western European peoples who at their racial and spiritual core are, if Dr. J. P. Wickstrom is correct in his genealogy and tracing racial lineages, the descendants of Jacob Israel. The Ancient Israelites. The proverbial Lost Sheep. The deduction or logical conclusion to be drawn from this is, the state of Israel is among other things an identity fraud that has been committed with a view to stealing the Covenant inheritance of the descendants of Jacob Israel.
These fighting age male immigrants are clearly front line Bolshevik cannon fodder for subjugation of the Ancestrally Native White Western European peoples who at their racial and spiritual core are, if Dr. J. P. Wickstrom is correct in his genealogy and tracing racial lineages, the descendants of Jacob Israel. The Ancient Israelites. The proverbial Lost Sheep. The deduction or logical conclusion to be drawn from this is, the state of Israel is among other things an identity fraud that has been committed with a view to stealing the Covenant inheritance of the descendants of Jacob Israel.

The premise of the aforementioned analysis withstanding, the reason these immigrant invaders are in our lands is because our Western ZOG or rather ZMOG (zio-marxist occupied government) apparatus is almost entirely subverted including our political class, media system, education system, religious system, enforcement systems. In short, The entire Neoliberal [666-DevilBeast-VirtualHost-Parasite] Capitalist/Marxist Corporate System that is owned, box and dice and smoking barrels by the descendants of Cain.

IF immigrant invaders whether legitimate refugees or invaders are not stopped at boarders by our respective government establishments but instead allowed to infiltrate the society, what I think should happen is this. Particularly in those lands such as Europe and Australia where the Citizen Patriot or Nationalist has no gun rights and little voice, The Christ message "love" should be applied to a spiritual treatment of the malady.

Love Thine Enemy or an esoteric Kung Fu if you will, whereby immigrants are welcomed by the general population and shown a wary and calculated respect, namely Christian charity and fellowship. Shelter and feed them and engage with them. Ask them about their plight and allow them to vent and sublimate some PTSD, so they might acquire a modicum of respect towards you for your hospitality. They will then be more receptive to receiving an "honest" education that informs them of whom exactly, whether by war or financial terrorism, is responsible for the destruction of their homelands.

In short, their fighting power intended to be used against us should be harnessed and turned against The Enemy that destroyed their nations with one Devil Claw and brought them into our lands with its other Cloven Hoof. There will be exceptions to this rule namely those deep state agent provocateurs such as ISIS who have an explicit terrorist/invader agenda to fulfill. These should be identified and dealt with by Patriots (establishment or otherwise).

Of course this can only happen with an Awoken Population and therein resides the dilemma. It is primarily a propaganda war and the enemy owns the dissemination of information or rather lies, disinformation and misinformation that results in a confused population that is easily misdirected and duped into operating against their own best interests to serve the interests of The Orwellian Communist NWO or what I often refer to as #TheSophisticatedParasite

Dr. James P. Wickstrom is reported to have died earlier this year (2018). R.I.P. While I don't necessarily agree with everything he may have said or the entire tone of his rhetoric, in my view he was nevertheless a true patriot who made an invaluable contribution. I've learned much from his video broadcasts I may have otherwise not known. His work should be kept safe and passed to others to help protect it for we are now in the days where this information is most needed if we are to resist and overcome the tyranny of an Orwellian Communist NWO.

Suffice it to say, when the subversion has been ousted and The System re-balanced to serve not subjugate The People, the immigrants should be thanked for their service to #TJP Truth Justice Peace and helping to resolve The Jewish Problem. They can then be repatriated to their homelands to decide their own destinies as Self-Determined Sovereign Nations who may be afforded guidance and assistance by a WCNS Protectorate or similar AKA The Kingdom.

Or is White Dragon Monk wrong about that ...
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Really does seem to be all about "The $ystem Versus The Kingdom" whereby the former hopes to acquire the Inheritance and subjugate rather than serve the latter.
ReplyDeleteGenesis 27:39-41, "Isaac, Esau's father said to him, Your dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth, and of the dew of heaven from above; you will sustain yourself by your sword, and you shall serve your brother; but you will finally take the dominion and break his yoke from your neck. And Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing which his father bestowed on him: and Esau said to himself, The days of mourning for my father are at hand; then will I slay my brother Jacob."
Esau/Edom, the so-called Jew, has been killing Jacob/Israel from that day to this.
Properly applied, THIS perfect depiction of both Reality & Truth, is, in my view, The Solution: