Feminist MAGA Hat Meltdown At Women's March LA

The poor girl needs to be cleansed of the filthy poison and propaganda indoctrination that clearly has her feeling so spiritually afflicted. I hope she can be guided to the right stuff and be healed and so should you. This below video is a must view.

Okay. So now I'll attempt to explain how, even though she may ostensibly seem to many if not most to be wrong, she's not in fact, wrong ... because even when she is, she's speaking truth by reflecting the reality of the ZOG or rather ZMOG apparatus incl. MSNME that seems to have her so ... Mad Cow!

Reality is where The spiritual Truth meets sophistry or in other words, The systemic Lie. Get out of the habit of confusing the word Reality with the word, Truth. They are different words and they refer to different things. Logos is pure/root logic or in other words, true logic. It is the consequence of "hu" spirit having been intellectually processed by a "hu-man" whereby the emotional animus articulates respect for spiritual truth. 

Contemporary logic is not logos. Logos or Reason has been subverted by sophistry to become the logic of The contemporary Neoliberal [666-DevilBeast-VirtualHost-Parasite] Capitalist/Marxist Corporate Cainite System. This corruption of Logos that I will refer to as Sophistry or in other words the mammon of Jew Logic as opposed to True Logic is what now pervades The aforementioned System. 

This is most pernicious at all levels of the system including but not limited to the (post Capitalist/Marxist) Neoliberal Education System, Corporate Religious Systems (i.e. Catholic/Judeo-Christianity and Islam are Controlled Opposition churches), Political system, Medical system, MIC or rather MISSS (Military Industrial Security Surveillance System), MSNME including Controlled Opposition Alternative Media such as InfoWars and so on and so forth.

This all being the case, the Human (spirit-person) bottom line has been subjugated and made expendable to further the Corporate (soulless entity) bottom line. This travesty is both Anti-Human and Anti-Life. 

The paradox or irony that alludes so many, especially Altruistic White people, is this Devil's Swindle has manufactured and uses the very same false constructs they are so personally invested in, namely, Altruism and Racism/Anti-Racism and Equality and others in order to undermine the Racial and Spiritual Integrity of the White Race that is required for Good/Light to triumph over Evil/Darkness ... not only for White people but for all humanity including the "Hu" respecting, Jew. 

It is complex but I can explain it further. Let me know in the comments if you want me to. Suffice it to say, the gist of it is, she is so Out There 'cause she intuitively Loves Truth and won't accept less yet is unable to reconcile with her Racial/Spiritual identity (from which she is cognitively removed), the false constructs of the Marxist, Feminist and Racist (i.e. includes Anti-Racist) pseudo-intellectual narratives she's invested in. If she had received an honest education in a System that fulfills its Duty of Care to Serve (not subjugate) The Kingdom, she would most likely present well.

It is also worth noting the Blacks/Bitza's here conducted themselves honorably while in stark contrast there are many divisive comments on Social Media by pseudo-Whites (i.e. Zio-Marxism duped Whites not racially/spiritually integrated #TrueBlue Whites) that are morally reprehensible. A rhetoric of contaminated conservatism that's reminiscent of Medieval Europe's demonizing and ultimately slaughtering of spiritually sensitive Native White Western European Women as "possessed" or "In League With The Devil" (i.e. spiritually afflicted owing to systemic corruption and a spiritually bankrupt society) "Witches" in the name of (((Christianity))). An evil Inversion of the Truth by those Ignobles Of The Lie waging Spiritual Warfare on it. A warning to these. YHVH is not fooled.

Read some of the comments ( ... she should have been aborted ... give her to ISIS ... ) by these duped Zionist stooges and Jewified #GoyTard White Race Traitors corralled as they are into their respective false L/R (political/religious) paradigms and you will begin to understand why, even though she is also duped by the aforementioned false constructs of the controlled opposition Marxist contra-dialectic, she has reason to be afraid of that RED hat.

A final few words to those of you who lack much capacity for higher order abstract thinking and are utterly confused by the contradictions.
"I called my song, #TheSophisticatedParasite for a reason. It employs a pincer movement and it's not a garden variety pest ... even though as per The Garden of Eden it actually is." - Tommy True


  1. Unfortunately YouTube has again censored/removed some worthwhile supporting videos that helped to illustrate what I'm endeavoring to explain. It's also worth mentioning that in my view, Donald Trump isn't the real bad guy. Neither is MSNME's "designated bad guy", namely the disenfranchised and understandably angry, patriotic white man, the real bad guy.


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