My Response to Sky News' Spin on Corona Virus
My comment on this Sky News Australia video as follows.
I watched the recent David Icke interview with Spiro Skouras. Not bad although I have a slightly different take on this whole Corona Virus conspiracy.
Perhaps you'll take a moment or even 30 minutes (if you choose to watch my video sermon linked below) to indulge my Tommy True perspective.
Perhaps this "Plandemic" is a good thing (or at least can be made to be) because those who've been for too long disenfranchised by a closed-shop Neoliberal $ystem and forced to try to survive on a pension as a job seeker for a job that's been made systemically unavailable to them are being paid enough c/- this 'corona virus bonus payment' to not be driven further into debt in a debt economy in order to meet essential costs of living.
Perhaps this "Plandemic" is a good thing (or at least can be made to be) because those who've been for too long disenfranchised by a closed-shop Neoliberal $ystem and forced to try to survive on a pension as a job seeker for a job that's been made systemically unavailable to them are being paid enough c/- this 'corona virus bonus payment' to not be driven further into debt in a debt economy in order to meet essential costs of living.
Meanwhile those who've been (overly) well enfranchised for too long in the same system are finally feeling the pinch ... beginning to feel what it's like for those who are economically disenfranchised yet whose voices are marginalized even though they risk losing whatever asset(s) they may have been able to acquire over the course of their life (such as their home for instance) to an asset grab such as foreclosure!
Yes, I don't believe the outcome has to be a RORT if truth is respected over propaganda spin. No. I won't so easily judge a book by its cover or too easily subscribe to the, "if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck it's probably a duck' narrative because in my view, this whole thing can turn out for better rather than worse iF more people lose the hubris and acquire the humility or meekness (a character attribute not deficit) to respect metaphysical truths as explained by The Xristos in his 'Sermon On The Mount'. Your ignorance has been procured so Put it together Lost Sheeple!
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