My comment on the above video, I'm still yet to watch, as follows.
The Covenant was given to the descendants of Jacob Israel not because of some Lentil Soup nonsense as per some of the Christian propaganda narratives peddled by the Judeo-Christian and Catholic 501(c)(3) Religious $ystem(s) but because, even though his twin brother Esau was, strictly speaking, the first born, Jacob "obeyed" the lore of, "Our (spiritual) Father Which Art in Heaven ... " as per The Lord's Prayer by not committing Miscegenation. It's because Esau did not "obey" and Jacob did "obey" the descendants of Jacob Israel were differentiated (past tense) as a "moral" people (i.e. people of moral character = true blue nobility). The descendants of Esau-Edom are the proverbial Clever Ones who test the Spiritual Mettle of The Royal True Blue Dragon Blood Christ Line (i.e. Ancient Hu-man Israelites not Israel the Red Geo-Political Corp. State).
Earthly father of the twins, Isaac (as per Isaac's prophecy) consoled Esau (i.e. when Esau discovered he'd forfeited the inheritance) that his/Esau's descendants (the clever ones who own The $ystem) will serve Jacob (The Kingdoms of Western Europe & Nations thereof) yet will come to dominate. In other words The (corporate zio-marxism) $ystem will come to dominate The (human) Kingdom. This has c/- "Peoples' Revolutions" ad nauseam happened and continues to happen today. I could prattle on but I have existentially important things to do. You may be interested to listen to my song DE NAISSANCE NOBLE (see embed below) Have a Happy Day & Good luck Lost Sheep! (:
OK ~ I've returned to watch more of this video. My 2 cents as follows.
@ 6:06 minutes. Your both correct. Styx's environmental influence is proven to be "Real" (carnal/red/Esau-Edom) in the contemporary (neoliberal) reality whereby a well bred (true Israel), high moral intelligence and high functioning White man is owing to marketplace realities forced to work in low intellect workplaces or is entirely economically disenfranchised and his creative contributions thwarted/marginalized by the marketplace and a dumbed down consumer fashion victim audience. He will become increasingly disaffected over time (less refined/eloquent more frustrated and vitriolic presentation, more expletives in his rhetoric etc). The pen ultimate example is to have not sired progeny and thereby extend his lineage. So another case in point of Esau-Edom (cleverly) killing Jacob which is of course what's happening today. White genocide. I guess Jacob will just have to lift his game or at the least one of his arms. Oh well.
What is enlightened and rationally correct? (1) Rigorously interrogate the veracity of the accusation you're a (spiritually) sick person with issues. (2) Accept it's true and also your onus of responsibility to others and yourself to heal yourself OR Reject the validity of the accusation because it's either an ignorant or manipulative projection. (3) Be vigilant, learn to know thyself & reclaim the kingdom.
This is a good watch.
My Review is, "Very Good. Everything in its proper place." #Emma (2020)
Posted by Tom Chuck Roberts on Tuesday, 20 October 2020
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