True Socialism Vs. False Socialism & Communism

The featured video is now removed from YouTube but even without it this post remains relevant.
I watched to 2:13 but had to comment before I listened to more.
Problem is, owing to ZOG or rather ZMOG "Anti-Socialist" Communist propaganda many people like this are duped into confusing their terms and conflating Marxist Socialism with (true) Socialism which is of course, National (Public Banking) Socialism or put differently, Socially Responsible Government & Public Banking in The National Interest. "Anti-Socialist" Communist propaganda is disseminated in order to undermine the notion of (true) Socialism in the popular culture (i.e. so people like this rail against the notion of "Socialism").
Marxism is not true Socialism. Marxism is a "false parasitical parallel" of true Socialism. It is the Left Pincer movement of #ZioMarxism or in other words, Big ZOG/ZMOG for Special Corporate Interests, Central Banking, Communism. It is therefore better to simply refer to it as Marxism or Communism rather than Socialism because true Socialism is ... albeit "paradoxically" for those who are Cog Dis'd by the Communist propaganda ... the natural predisposition of those whose racial/spiritual identity is, The Aryan Ideal. This is of course the Ancestrally Native White Western European peoples and nations thereof who have been duped out of Service to The Aryan Ideal and into Capitalist/Marxist Avarice and/or Altruism for The Divide & Steal.
Marxism and Capitalism are contra-dialectics that conspire in the context of a ZOG/ZMOG regulated Liberal (supposedly free market) economy to have their Corporate baby, namely, Neoliberalism. This is of course, Communism not Socialism but because the word "Socialism" has been demonized by the clever as the (red) devil, Cainite, Communist propaganda, the vast majority of White people are both complicit in their own subversion and directly opposed to the viable (true) National Public Banking "Socialist" solution to their existential dilemma ... The Orwellian Communist NWO. I could prattle on but I'll leave it at that for the time being. This TWEET is a worthwhile simplification.
Save for what I consider to be misinformation as per the word "Socialism", the rest of the above video is self-evident.
It's censored on Youtube so certainly worth watching this below veritable #OKtobeWhite video titled, Surrealism in Omar's Antisemitism because it helps to give Ilhan Omar's position, in the ZOG or rather ZMOG, context.
Now removed from YouTube but can be accessed c/- the above link!
The tribe is or at the least purports to be, so divided and this is why or so they say, they invariably visit their family quarrels upon whomever opens their door and allows the carnies to stay. Yet as any good guest should know its prudent to know when to go.
Is Socialism the true racial/spiritual and cultural predisposition of Ancestrally Native White Western Europeans? Might, Henry Ford have viewed Capitalism as a vehicle to true Socialism in the National or Public interest while a Lee Iacocca or similar might conceivably view Capitalism as a vehicle to Communism for a tribe's unparalleled opulence ... I mean, inspired, survival?
ReplyDeleteEvery video in this post has been removed by YouTube! Sad times for Free Speech.