Renters Protest LA’s Mayor’s Home In Their Cars!
@ 2:17 ~ Where is the demand for a moratorium on Mortgage Foreclosures? Intentional or not this renter advocacy group or movement is another example of divisive Zio-Marxism (i.e. Communism) whereby Renters are managed and represented by Marxists (who are not true Socialists) to be divided against Landlords, most of whom would side WITH them against "Capital" iF their interests were properly represented in such a way they don't stand to lose their asset (home) to the Fractional Reserve Central Banking System (i.e. Corporate Crypto-Communism) because they can't meet their mortgage interest repayments.
As these demands as cited @ 2:17 clearly attest, Landlords' interests are not represented so most are put in the position of having to hang their hat with those who manage and represent their asset's "Capitalist" interest. This Capitalist-Marxist contra-dialectic is a good case in point of Zio-Marxism (i.e. Communist) "Controlled Oppositions". The only ones who stand to benefit from this are the < 1% Central Banker Communist elite and also those ignoble Landlords who aren't True Landlords with Real Mortgages but are in "Reality" not truth (i.e. because carnal reality is different from spiritual truth) Capitalist Pariahs with "Corporate" real estate portfolios and are more than likely covertly bankrolled by the Communist elite or at the least receive the benefit of 0% interest on bank loans.
I am a TRUE Landlord with a REAL Mortgage (equity loan) who has spent most of my life as a Renter so I know my stuff on this. Turn UP your volume because this below video was filmed outside and from a distance.
The Australian Government should have long ago passed legislation to freeze interest on the Mortgage or Equity Loan of any Australian National who is not gainfully employed and risks losing their asset (loan collateral) to The Fractional Reserve Banking System. Legislation should also be passed enabling any National undergoing "Economic Hardship" to access their Superannuation ... not only in part so they continue to make interest repayments ... but in Full so they can pay out the principle of their loan (or as much as possible) in order to save their home and prior to their Superannuation being "Accidentally Lost" in the next "Unforeseen" economic crisis.
These are two fundamental areas of legislation that would serve to benefit the fabric of The Society whereby no Australian homeowner is made Homeless and consequently a greater burden on the public purse while The Bank owns an ever increasing number of vacant homes to fall into disrepair or be liquidated to Capital or in other words, the Real Estate portfolios of dubiously connected pariahs.
Perhaps this video may help to catalyze some sort of organized response whereby Australians choose to unite and pool resources in our "Common" interests as opposed to the less than 1%'s Central Banking "Communist" interests.
Perhaps home foreclosures may even be great locations around which "The Kingdom" can physically rally and take an effective stand against "The $ystem" that must learn to serve not subjugate We The People of The Society & The Nation.
This linked post opens in a new window and is a simple breakdown where I explain the difference between (true) Socialism and Communism.
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